Come explore a unique exhibition experiment developed in collaboration with VŠB – Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. This exhibition is not just a display of my works but offers a deeper look at the relationship between artistic creation and artificial intelligence.
Typically, it is assumed that artists use AI to facilitate their work and generate ideas. However, I do it differently because I believe that my own creative processes are much more efficient. In this exhibition, we experimented in the opposite way: AI attempted to interpret my paintings.
Photographs of my oil paintings were first presented to an AI language model, which then generated descriptions based on them. These descriptions were subsequently used as inputs for the AI system Dall-e 3, which was tasked with generating images from these descriptions. The results are fascinating—the AI-generated images hanging next to my original works open a discussion about what AI lacks to achieve true subtlety and depth of human art.
This exhibition is not only a witness to technological progress but also a reminder of how far AI is from a true understanding of art. Come experience it for yourself and discover the key differences between human creation and machine generation.
The opening of this exhibition will take place on September 4th at 16:00 in the FEIKA Gallery, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, VŠB-TUO in Ostrava. Come discover how deep artificial intelligence can penetrate into the world of art and where its limits lie. See you there! ❤